Konsta Laitinen
Backyard playgrounds come in many shapes and sizes, giving you all sorts of options when you decide to add one of these structures to your yard. If you have young children, you can expect that they'll use this structure with their friends extensively for several years. While it's easy to focus on the larger features of any backyard playground that you check out online or in person, you should make sure to look for some additional design elements that your kids will enjoy. Here are three fun additions that you'll often find on backyard playgrounds.
Ship's Wheel
A lot of backyard playgrounds are equipped with a ship's wheel. Children are often interested in pirates at different ages, and will quickly recognize how this wheel is often designed to mimic the wheel on a large sailing ship. When you buy a play structure that has a ship's wheel, you can expect that this simple feature will get a lot of use. Kids will imagine that they're steering the entire play structure, whether it's a ship, a spacecraft, a car, or some other machine in their minds. Some playgrounds come with multiple ship's wheels, which can be ideal for a larger structure on which a lot of kids will play.
Another addition that can provide lots of entertainment for your children and their friends is a set of binoculars. These binoculars are typically mounted to a top rail on the upper level of the structure and can give your kids the ability to see your home, your yard, and even elements that are farther away. Many children love looking through binoculars, but you might be hesitant to give young kids a real set of binoculars over concerns that they may get damaged. You won't have to worry about damage to the rugged built-in binoculars that you'll find on a play structure.
Bubble Dome
A lot of playground structures have a bubble dome on a side panel of one of the platforms. You'll find structures that have a bubble dome on the ground level or on the upper level; some structures have bubble domes on each of these levels. There's little question that your children will have fun sticking their heads in the dome and looking above, below, and around the playground. During water fights, kids will have fun shooting the dome while another child hides behind it. Look for each of these fun additions when you shop for a backyard playground.
A few months ago, I realized I didn't really enjoy my vacation time that much. Instead of getting outside and doing something fun, I found myself chilling in front of the television and trying to figure out what to do with my free time. Fortunately, a friend of mine mentioned joining a local sports league and trying out a few new hobbies. I was nervous at first, but I knew that she was right. I started playing in a sports league, and it was a great time. I was able to lose a little weight and enjoy the great outdoors. Check out this blog for more information about recreation and sports.